Creating Customer Folders under "Users"
- All users are located under "Settings", divided in customer folders.
- When creating new customer groups (folders), right-click "Users" and select "New Group...".
- Name the new folder according to the customer name and click "OK". The customer is created in the "Users" folder.
Note: Creating new group folders in root folder is not available in FREE WebProof version. See more about FREE setup here.
Creating Users under "Users"
- Right-click the customer folder in which the new user will be created. Select "New User... ".
- Populate the fields in the displayed dialog.
Note that "Username" and "Password" are case-sensitive and the password must be at least 5 characters. Note that duplicate usernames in WebProof are not permitted.
It is important that the "E-mail" and "Mobile/SMS" fields are populated, in order to use the "Notifications" function. Country code must ALWAYS be populated. - Assign a role to the user and click "OK".
Attaching Users to a Project Folder
- When created under "Settings/Users", the user can be attached to the required folder under "Projects".
- It is not possible to attach a user to a project, only a folder.
- When attached to a folder, the user will be able to see all projects and subfolders under it.
- The requirement for a user to be attached to the main customer folder or only the appropriate project subfolder varies from user to user and customer to customer.
- Right-click the folder to which the user will be attached. Select "Permissions".
- The list of users created under "Settings/Users" is now displayed. Find the user or folder to attach. Right-click and select "Attach".
- The user/folder is now attached to the project.
- Click "OK".
- A folder name in bold means that it is attached, which also means so are all users in the folder.
- A folder name in normal type means that not all users in the folder are attached. When the folder is opened, the attached users appear in bold text.
- A folder name in grey means that no users in the folder are attached.
- A folder name in bold means check!.