Choose the web property to make links to webpages (URLs).
Choose between the different styles (explained below).
Insert the web link (URL).
Make a mouse over hint (see below).
Style - default
Choose the default style to make a simple weblink. In this example the box has been defined with a brown color in 30% transparency.
Example of how the changes from above looks in the publication preview.
Style - blink
Choose the blink style to make a weblink with a blinking box color. In this example the box has been defined with a brown color in 30% transparency.
Example of how the above changes look in the publication preview.
Style - picture
Choose the picture style to make a web hyperlink where the box is enlarged slightly at mouse over. In this example the box has been defined with a brown color in 30% transparency.
Example of how the above changes look in the publication preview.
Style - frame
Choose the frame style to make a web hyperlink with a blinking frame color. In this example the box has been defined with a brown color in 30% transparency.
Example of how the above changes look in the publication preview.
Style - zoom
Choose the zoom style to make a web hyperlink where the box is greatly magnified at mouse over.
When the link symbol is clicked it will link to the webpage. In this example the box has been defined with a brown color in 30% transparency.
Example of how the above changes look in the publication preview.
Example of how the above changes look in the publication preview.