Opening and Proofing a Project



  • When logged into the system, the Navigator window opens and displays the projects to which access has been given.

  • Locate the required project and click it.





  • The project can now be viewed (the uploaded proof) as thumbnails.
  • To proof a page, it first has to be opened, e.g. in the preview page.
  • Double-click, single-click + Enter, or right-click on a thumbnail and select "Open as" and finally "Preview".
  • Multiple pages can be previewed at one time.
  • Hold ctrl (cmd on Mac) or shift (single/multipages) to highlight the required pages. Alternatively, enter the numbers of the pages to be opened in the toolbar, e.g. 1,3,7-9.
  • Place the cursor on one of the pages and right-click, then select "Open as" and finally "Preview".
    (To open the uploaded file as a PDF, select "Open PDF" instead)




Overview of read/unread pages

  • You can review the comment status for individual pages. In the thumbnails view, pages with red pins have unread comments (1); pages have gray pins if all the comments have been read (2).
  • In preview mode, you can mark comments as read or unread (1-2) by clicking on the envelope. You can also click on the pin in thumbnails view to get a list overview and manage from here.

See more about this function






  • By default, opening a single page in Preview will display the two most recent versions.
  • If multiple pages are opened, two consecutive pages are displayed by default, which can be browsed forwards and backwards using the arrow keys, just as versions can be browsed under "History".
  • In order, for example, to compare version 1 with version 8, right-click the preview window, select "Settings" and specify the versions to display in the two preview pages.
  • To view only one version or one page at a time, right-click on the preview window, select "Settings" and then select "One Page". Now only the most recent version or only one page at a time is displayed, until "Two Pages" is once again selected.
  • Synchronisation between the two preview pages can also be disabled in "Settings".

See more about compare project pages and history using settings


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