Intro to create workflows


How To Create A New Workflow

This is an instructive video on how to create and combine workflows with the FREE WebFlow.

You'll learn how to drag and drop all received PDF files from clients A, B and C into a folder, which will automatically create filenames containing the client's name - easily and quickly.
At any time in the process you can press F1 in WebFlow and access the interactive help.

The creation of a WebFlow for your project is extremely easy and only consists of these four steps:

1.Drop the received PDFs into your source folder (FTP, local or network folder).
2.Choose a file template to hold all the info on the files. 
(WebFlow contains many pre-created, or you can make your own.)
3.Assign an action to the WebFlow.
4.Visit the destination folder where all processed files end up.

Watch the video to gain knowledge on functions like: advanced file renaming, suffix/prefix, Manage Distiller, PitStop, automated SMS and email notifications and much more.




Introduction to 7 single workflows - FREE WebFlow hotfolder based workflow

Create fast workflows with the FREE WebFlow.

Receive/send files through FTP, e-mails etc. Advanced file renaming, suffix/prefix etc. Manage Distiller, Pitstop, Photoshop etc. through WebFlow -- try it, it's FREE.

Drag and drop workflow elements and files. Centralized SMS and e-mail alert. Split files, animated real-time workflow. Extensive logging and search features.

WebFlow assists customers ranging from small design studios to huge Fortune 500 companies such as LEGO, DDB, BAUHAUS etc. and more than 100 newspapers in Scandinavia.



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