Log Windows


The log window can be in 4 different states

  • Active
    Shows all files currently active in the system
  • Finished
    Shows the most recently finished files you can set the number shown in options (See Miscellaneous Options)
  • Failed
    Shows the most recently failed files and all active fail files (an active fail file is a file that is physically in a WebFlow source folder with option Move files with errors to Fail Folder not set (See Advanced Folder Settings)), you can set the number shown in options (See Miscellaneous Options).
  • Waiting for statuscode
    All files waiting for a statuscode change in WebProof

Monitor Menu

Filter by selection
If option is turned on only files in folders in the current selection in the flow window are shown.

Group by projectcode
Files in the log window can be lumped by project code.

Clear the current log - if this is the active log files are deleted

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