Creates a WebProof compatible XML file and and a pdf file.
Output filename is based on text in filename box (WebFlow appends .pdf and .xml). You can use both timestamp format (see Time Syntax) and contents from dsc file - eg. use $id1103 to insert "Bureau ordre nummer".Eg text could be "%Y%m%d_$id1103"
If there are several Annoncør entries and they have different Bureau ordre nummer WebFlows tries create 2 output files for each Bureau ordre nummer (1 xml and 1 pdf).
If dsc file does not contain Bureau ordre nummer the text in Bureau ordre nummer replacement (which can include both timestamp and ids)
XML file contains data from dsc medienet header file, using the following table with ids:
Name |
Id |
Annoncør |
1100 |
Original filnavn |
1101 |
Tlf |
1102 |
Bureau ordre nummer |
1103 |
Object Type ID |
1104 |
Bredde |
1105 |
Højde |
1106 |
Indryknings dato |
1107 |
Udbakke ID |
1108 |
Annonce info |
1109 |
Indrykningsuge |
1110 |
Date Initiated |
1111 |
Booket via |
1112 |
1113 |
Farve |
1114 |
Server ID |
1115 |
File size |
1116 |
Forsendelse ID |
1117 |
Split size |
1118 |
Stof Leverandør ID |
1119 |
Version info |
1120 |
Date received |
1121 |
Supplier date format |
1122 |
Kontakt |
1123 |
Publikation |
1124 |
Afsender |
1125 |
Date sort |
1126 |
Priority |
1127 |
File sum |
1128 |
Output original files instead of original
If the publication field in filename is in the semicolon separated list publications, the original dsc file is copied to output folder with the the text in text box inserted in the beginning of the filename (you can use both timestamp format and id variables). Pdf file also copied to output folder (with a filename matching the dsc this time). Also publication is removed from xml file