Receiving Notifications


If you are set up to receive notifications, it should look like this: 



  1. Header. (Displays the project title.) 
  2. WebProof system name (example: 
  3. The project name and Project Group folder. 
  4. The pages numbers of the pages.
  5. The date/time and the status. 
  6. Click on the link to go to the project.


Troubleshooting checklist

If notifications are not being received, please check the following:

  1. Start by contacting the project owner or WebProof administrator to confirm that the notifications have been sent to you. 
  2. If this has been confirmed, please check that spam filter or firewall in email client or mailserver are not blocking WebProof notifications. 
  3. If you are working on a local network, please contact your IT administrator and make sure "" is whitelisted in the firewall. 
  4. If all of these are ok, please contact
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