Highlight Text




  • To use the highlight function, either right-click on the open preview page and select "Enable Highlighting", or select the highlight dropdown icon (next to "Add new comment") on the preview page.
  • The function is now selected.


  • Then hold the left mouse button and highlight the text to which comments are to be made.
  • When the mouse button is released, a sticky note appears containing a copy of the highlighted text.
    The text can now be changed or comments can be added to the sticky note.
  • The sticky note must now be saved. This can be done directly in the preview window by clicking the diskette icon.

  • When finished with a page, all notes must be saved and a status must be selected. This can be done directly in the preview window by clicking the "Save" and "Status" icons.

  • Alternatively, close the preview page. A message box is then displayed, asking whether comments should be saved. The message box also gives a reminder that the status code needs to be changed for the page (if it hasn't already been done).


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