XML to WebProof


Posts a xml file to WebProof. In this way you can create a new empty page in a WebProof project (and also create the project (with ad-project settings) if it does not exist). You can also update the properties on the details view of a page.

The xml file is validated by a WebProof schema thus only xml files that conform to the WebProof standard are posted.

You can set project group (see set project group) for the contents of the xml file.

WebFlow checks all items in the xml

Project Group

  • Do not set project group (xml must set project group)
    The xml must contain either a correct project group id, name or code. WebFlow then fills out the other fields.
    Create project group that does exist in parent folder.
    If this is checked and project group is created in a parent group. 
  • Set Project group
    Set the selected project group.
  • Use Prefixes
    Set project group using prefix list.
  • Use Project Group set in filename
    Filename template must extract project group which is used. 


  • Project is not set (xml must contain project code)
    This means that the XML must contain valid projectcodes (webflow_identity_id attribute). XML file can contain multiple project elements.
    This is the only option that allows creation of new projects, the other options require that project code mathes existing project (and sets the correct project group).
  • Use Project set in filename
    The filename template must extract projectcode, all items in the XML will be set to this projectcode, so XML file can only contain a single project element. 
  • Use existing itemcode/projectcode combination
    For each item in the XML WebFlow will search the files in WebFlow and use the first identical itemcode to set the same project. If an itemcode in the XML does not match any files in WebFlow the XML is moved to retry queue. XML file can contain multiple project elements. 

Item Code

  • Do not set item code (xml must contain item code)
    item_alias attribute in item element sets the item code. XML file can contain multiple item elements. 
  • Use itemcode set in filename
    XML file can only contain a single item element. 

All items in the xml package are logged to file xml.log in the WebFlow install folder. The format of the file is:

  • Time
  • Item code
  • Project code
  • Project name
  • Project group name
  • XML filename
  • Fail reason (only if packet was not posted to WebProof because of an error) 




Style XML

(XSLT transformation)

You can style the input XML (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt for more information on XSL transforms) either by using one of the built in style sheets or use your own style sheet.

Ignore empty output from XSL processor
If this option is on empty output from is ignored. If not all the xml files are supposed to be uploaded to WebProof set up xslt to generate empty output for xml files that WebFlow should ignore.

Test how the chosen style sheet will transform a given XML file.

Upload data
Comma separated list of ids that are uploaded to WebProof - any ids not in this list are removed from XML. If field is empty nothing is removed.

Database ids
These ids are also inserted but the data is taken from WebFlow database.




Store Itemcode

WebFlows can store all the itemcodes in the xml and their corresponding projectcodes in a database.

WebFlow discards an itemcode from the database if the item's project is deleted, an itemcode is also remove after a certain time (set in miscelleaneous options) even if the project still exists.

In move/copy action associated with a filename template that does not extract projectcode you can insert the projectcode in the filename with a rename rule (see renamerule).

If the xml contains a itemcode that is allready in the database there are 2 possibilities. These options are only available if Unique Itemcode option is turned on (see global XML options).

  • They are identical
    In this case if the action is set to set staus you choose whether or not to do it in this case. Since it is probably an update to an existing item you would typically not set the status in this case
  • They are different
    You should only use these options if it can be assumed is that if this situation occurs and there is a file waiting for some status code (wait for status action) then the file has had it's projectcode changed. 
    • Set status for old projectcode.
      Change the status in WebProof for the old projectcode (this is done by inserting some extra xml code in the beginning of the tranformed XML that will be posted to WebProof). Typically you will set a statuscode that hides the page in the old project. 
    • Move waiting file to folder
      This is done in order to reprocess the file so the page in the new project will not be empty but instead contain the page from the old project. Therefore it would also make sense to rename the file so it can be processed with the correct name. 

Do not upload XML to WebProof
No data is uploaded to WebProof this option should be used when you want to store data from xml file in WebFlows db rather than update metadata in WebProof.

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