Moves file to a folder selected by the action.
There are 2 main modes
- The new folder is chosen from the prefix (See prefixes)
- The new folder is chosen by one of the build in rules
Build in rules:
- MPress
Inserts file in MPress structure. The filename (excluding the extension) must be 7 digits long. - Projectcode
Inserts the file in a subfolder with the same name as the file's projectcode. - ProjectGroup name
Inserts the file in a subfolder with the same name as project group that the file's project belong to. - Text
Inserts the file in a subfolder based on text extracted from the filename - Round Robin
Distribute file to a folder based on equal load see Equal Load. This has not yet been implemented. Round Robin simply switches between the folders in prefix list when a new file arrives.
Prefix position and prefix is ignored this rule only looks at the folders in the prefix list - AdBase
Inserts file in AdBase structure. The filename (excluding the extension) must be 8 digits long. - Recreate Source Structure
Only has effect if a file's subfolder is scanned recursively. The subfolder used is the same the one the file was read from in its source folder - Prefix in subfolder
In this option the prefix list contains the subfolder to be used instead of the entire folder, this means that only one destination folder is shown in the flow. The text corresponding to a prefix is the subfolder, eg if the text is "sub1\sub2" that is the subfolder used - Timestamp
Time Syntax and WebFlow variables can be used, separate subfolers by \\ eg. "$projectcode\$itemcode_id$123" for a file with itemcode="001", projectcode="np01" and stored data with id 123 for this itemcode/projectcode combination="somestoreddata" will be distributed to a subfolder called np01\001_somestoreddata.
If id$123 is at the beginning of the string and the stored data is a qualified folder, this folder is used instead actions output folder - Regular Expression Match group
See regular expression. Every match group indicates a new subfolder. Eg. with the regular expression {np}.*_{\d\d} on the filename np01_1234 will set the folder to np\12\ - Atex EnterPrise File
Create folder that does not exist
If the chosen destination folder does not exist WebFlow tries to create it.
Unzip zip file recursively in folder
If file is a valid zip file it is unzipped recursively in target folder. If the toplevel folder in the zipfile is the same as the original name of the zipfile it is skipped (so is unzippped to some_folder/somefile instead of to some_folder/some_folder/somefile).
WebFlow can also create zip files see convert action - zip.
Delete file if it does not match any prefix
If this is checked a file that does not match any prefixes is discarded instead of moved to fail (if you use default prefix this will never happen)
Rename before finding target folder
Box is only visible if rename is active.
If this is checked rename rules are applied before filename is passed on to prefix list or distribute rule.
Duplicates (copies the file several times) the file. This is not compatible with FTP folders.
Duplicate rules:
- Separator
Some text must be extracted from the filename. For each instance of the text in the separator field a copy is made of the the file. The entire extracted text is replaced with one of the instances in the lidt.
Eg. with the filename projectcode_itemcode_dk,us,en.pdf with the text dk,us,en extracted and comma as separator. The file will be duplicated 3 times with the new filenames projectcode_itemcode_dk.pdf, projectcode_itemcode_us.pdf and projectcode_itemcode_en.pdf. - Project Code
Look up itemcode in itemcode database, for each projectcode stored with the itemcode a copy is made and the projectcode is inserted in the filename. The text in the separator field (which can be empty) is inserted to the left of the projectcode.
Eg. if database contains projectcodes np01 and np02 for itemcode 1234, with insert At . and separator text _, the file 1234.pdf (with itemcode 1 To .) would result in 2 files:
1234_np01.pdf and 1234_np01.pdf.
This option is only available if Unique Itemcode option is turned off (see global XML options).
Resource Fork
Checks if file is an Apple Macintosh resource fork, if file is not a resource fork it is passed through action.
If file is a resource fork in Services for Macintosh (Windows service that gives Mac computers access to file sharing) format it is converted to EtherShare (UNIX filesharing for Mac computers) format. If resource fork is in EtherShare format it is converted the other way.
Currently only EPS resource forks are supported.