Uploading a PDF File/Proof

  • The pages can also be uploaded directly from InDesign plug-in or Illustrator plug-in.

  • Select the created project in the customer's folder under "Projects".
  • To upload consecutive pages, e.g. pages 1 to 4, first click page 1, then hold the shift key and click page 4.
  • To upload individual pages, e.g. page 1 and page 3, hold the ctrl key (cmd on Mac) and click the required pages Right-click one of the highlighted pages and select "Upload".
  • Alternatively, you can enter 1-4 in the toolbar and click the "Upload" icon.
  • Select the required "Status" for the pages being uploaded.
  • Click the "Browse" button and find the PDF file  to be uploaded.
  • Click "Upload"



  • Do not close the upload window when it is in progress. However, you can continue to work in WebProof or other programs, or even upload additional files.
  • When the file has been uploaded to WebProof, a status window is displayed that can be closed once read.



  • When the file has been uploaded, click the toolbar "Refresh" icon (the two green curved arrows) after a couple of minutes (smaller files may require less time). The uploaded pages are now shown as thumbnails.





Uploading a PDF File, Advanced

Three more-advanced methods can be used to upload pages to WebProof.

  1. All
    This is the standard method. If more pages exist in the PDF than in WebProof, they are simply ignored, as the upload begins with the first page in the PDF.
  2. Same as WebProof
    If the PDF file and WebProof have the same number of pages, use this option to upload a certain number of pages from the PDF into the equivalent page numbers in WebProof, e.g. PDF pages 3,6,11 and 14 to WebProof pages 3,6,11 and 14.
  3. Custom
    Use this method to upload one or more pages from the PDF file to a different set of page numbers in WebProof. In the example shown, pages 3,5,10 and 13 from the PDF file will be uploaded to pages 3,6,11 and 14 in WebProof.




Maximum upload file dimensions

The maximum upload file measures approximately 2x2m.

  • Note: This depends of the file complexity. If the file is heavy and/or includes complex vectors, the maximum dimensions might be smaller. In some cases where the file is very light and/or very simple the dimensions might be slightly larger. 

If your document dimensions are too great, we recommend that you make a resized version for proofing purposes only. This can be done like this:

  1. Create a PDF of your original document. 
  2. Make a special document for proofing only and rename it appropriately. For example, add "50pct_version" to the filename (if you're in InDesign) where you place the first PDF in, for example, 50% or 10%. 
  3. Create a new PDF from this document and upload to WebProof. 
  4. Every time you update the original document and export the PDF, you can just open the "50pct_version" and export an updated PDF for proofing.




File size

Note: If you experience problems when uploading many pages (100 +/-) we recommend that you divide it in smaller batches.


If you want to reduce the PDF file size, we recommend that you use a small PDF Export Preset like "Smallest file size." You can also reduce a PDF file that is already created by opening it in Adobe Acrobat, choosing "File/Save As." and checking "Reduce File Size."

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