Creating Banners for Express Users

  • To attach a banner to page(s) sent to express users, it must first be created.
  • To create a banner, right-click "Banner" under "Settings".

    Note: Creating banners is not available in FREE and BASIC WebProof versions. See more about FREE and BASIC setup here.



  1. Enter the banner name.
  2. A banner can be used, for example, to forward an express user to a booking page or perhaps another website. This is entered into the "Link" field.
  3. The "Text" field contains the text that will appear on the banner.
  4. Popup text will be displayed in this field when the mouse is hovered over the banner.


  • Select the text formatting.



  • The "Project Groups" tab is used to select the group of projects to which the banner will be attached.


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