Manage Notifications/Automatic E-mail/SMS

  • The "Notifications" folder is located under "Settings". Notifications are used to automatically inform every time a change is made in one or more projects, or others need to be informed that they can continue to the next step.
  • To create a notification, right-click the "Notifications" folder and select "New Notification".

    Note: Costumized Notification rules is not available in FREE and BASIC WebProof versions. See more about FREE and BASIC setup here.



Populate the fields in the different tabs:


1. Options

  • In the "Options" tab, enter the name of the "Notifiication" and select the events, e.g. "Status Change", "Upload", etc., in the project(s) or user(s), that will trigger an  automatic notification. The most common choice is "Status Change".
  • Select which status code should trigger an e-mail/SMS.



2. Users



3. Projects

  • In the "Projects" tab, attach the project(s) to which the relevant notification applies.




4. Delivery

  • In the "Delivery" tab, define how quickly the notification is to be sent, and in what format. Use the ctrl key (cmd on Mac) to select multiple formats.
  • Click "OK" to save all settings.
  • If XML integration is available, tick the "Attach XML file" box to include an XML file that allows automatic transfer of data to other IT systems.



Administrator troubleshooting checklist
If notifications are not being received, please check the following:

  1. Start by checking in the notification log to see if notifications have been sent (check by the project or the user). 
  2. If this is not the case, check the project to confirm that a status changes has been made to trigger notifications. 
  3. If the project status is ok, please check that the setup for notifications is correct. Does it include the status code, the user and the project? Is the delivery set correct? 
  4. If the setup for notifications is ok then check that the user’s setting includes the user’s email address, which should be present. 

If the items above are ok and you have confirmed that notifications have been sent to the user:

  1. The user should check that spam filter or firewall in email client or mailserver are not blocking WebProof notifications. 
  2. If the user is working on a local network, please contact their IT administrator and make sure "" is whitelisted in the firewall. The IT administrator should be able to check if the notification mails are stuck in the spam filter. 
  3. If all local settings are ok and there are no emails in the spam filter, please contact
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