List of WebFlow error codes you can right click on a file in a logwindow and choose show error to go directly to a description.
Some errors are internal errors - that is errors that should never occur. Please contact WebProof if you experience an internal error.
Internal errors:
Errors when checking a file
If the file is a new file (eg. a file that WebFlow has not moved to a WebFlow temporary folder) and "Leave original file" is checked under advanced folder options (See Advanced Folder options) files with these errors are left in their original folder (and displayed with a red number on the folder in flow view).
1. Illegal characters in filename
If a file belongs to a project with page numbers the itemcode is the pagenumber of the file and must be a number. If the project is an add project the itemcode can also be text.
2. Page number is not valid in project
The file's pagenumber is out of range for its project. Eg. a project has pages from 1 to 10 and the file's pagenumber is 12
3. Filename template is invalid
The file belongs to an invalid filename template, press Check for errors in the File menu to display errors. If any of the actions associated with the filename template have errors the filename template is invalid.
Typical action errors are:
- Using invalid statuscode
- Using an invalid project group
4. The file does not match any existing project
The file's projectcode does not match any existing project in WebProof . Either the project has simply not been created yet or this error can happen for a number of reasons.
- The project has been moved to archive in WebProof
- The project has been deleted in WebProof
- The project is in a part of WebProof that WebFlow does not have access to
5. Wait Statuscode not valid in this project
A wait for status action associated with the file's filename template is using a statuscode that is not valid in the file's project. In WebProof you set this.
6. Statuscode not valid in this project
An action associated with the file's filename template is using a statuscode that is not valid in the file's project. In WebProof you set which statuses a project can use.
7. The file does not match any project group
The file does not match any project group in the part of WebProof that WebFlow has access to.
8. The file's folder has been changed
You have moved the file's filename template to a new folder.
9. Could not extract project code from filename
Project code could not be extracted from the filename. Eg. projectcode is 1 to _ but the character _ is not in the filename.
See Filename Template.
10. Could not extract project group from filename
See 9
11. File is too old and will be removed from list
Clean Up options for folder species that files are removed after a certain time
12. Could not extract itemcode/pagenumber
See 9
13. Itemcode/pagenumber cannot be empty
Itemcode must contain atleast 1 character
Copy and move errors
Affects all actions that copies or moves files on local and network (not FTP) folders.
20. Could not write file because target file exist and overwrite option is no
An action wants to copy or move a file but a file with same name exists in the destination folder and overwrite file option is not set in the action.
21. Could not write file probably because target file is open
When trying to open a file to write to WebFlow got a operating system acces to file denied error.
This error cannot occur if the destination folder is FTP.
This can happen if
- An other program has opened the file.
- WebFlow does not have write permission to the folder (you can test this under properties for remote folders).
22. Target file exists and is newer than current file and overwrite option is overwrite older
Overwrite is not set for this action and a file with the same name is allready in the destination folder.
23. Delete file failed
Error message is included
24. Could not open temporary file
Internal error.
25. Could not open destination file
Error message is included.
Typically this happens if WebFlow does not have write acces to the destination folder.
26. File transfer interrupted
Copy/move to local folder or network folder was interrupted.
Error message is included
27. Could not write file because the disc is full
Not enough space on target drive to write file
28. The file's template has been deleted
The file belonged to a filename template that has been deleted.
29. The file's active action has been deleted
The action that was about to be performed on the action has been deleted. You can delete actions that have not yet been performed without the file failing. Eg. If a file is waiting for a single statuscode and you delete the action the file fails. If the file waits for 2 statsucodes and you delete on wait action the fil does not fail.
30. The file's template has been removed from folder
The file's filename template is no longer associated with the file's folder
31. The file's folder has been removed
The file's folder has been removed from WebFlow.
FTP errors
WebFlows ftp component has the following error codes, many of the WebFlow FTP errors also returns this errorcode.
Unknown |
1 |
Busy |
2 |
NotConnected |
3 |
Timeout |
4 |
BadArguments |
5 |
OutOfMemory |
6 |
NotImplemented |
7 |
NoOperation |
8 |
Pending |
9 |
Internal |
10 |
ResolveHost |
11 |
Socket |
12 |
NotInit |
13 |
Aborted |
14 |
WrongReply |
15 |
NotClosed |
16 |
License |
17 |
18 |
MoreData |
19 |
Paused |
20 |
SettingMismatch |
21 |
NotDisconnected |
22 |
ConnectionClosed |
23 |
LocalFile |
24 |
Connect |
25 |
Login |
26 |
40. Could not access remote directory on FTP server
WebFlow did connect to the ftp server but was unable to access the folder.
41. Delete file failed on FTP server
WebFlow could not delete a given file on a FTP server.
42. File on ftp could not be deleted
This is probably because the WebFlow ftp user does not permission to delete file. You can see the exact ftp error message in the error log.
The file might be a partial file that WebFlow has uploaded (if FTP server supports resume WebFlow try to resume the transfer) but where upload was interrupted this can be caused by.
- User presses disconnect
- A new file replaces the current file
- FTP server timed out
43. Could not write file to FTP because target file exist and overwrite is false
A file with the same name was on the FTP and overwrite is not set in this action
44. Could not transfer file to FTP server
FTP transfer failed.
45. FTP transfer interrupted
FTP transfer was interrupted error message included.
46. Error connecting to server
WebFlow could not connect to the server.
47. Could not read directory on server
WebFlow could not read contents of directory on server, most probable reason is that the WebFlow user on the server does not have the correct rights for the directoery.
48. Could not change folder to sub folder
Wait for stautuscode errors
50. Cannot find folder
File has been activated as fail file because its source folder has been removed from WebFlow.
51. Cannot find a valid filename template on folder that matches filename
File has been activated as fail file because it no longer matches any filename template on it's source folder.
General action errors
60. No matching prefix for file
No matching prefix in action prefix list and prefix list does not use default prefix.
61. Rename Rules do not match filename
Rename rules are incompatible with filename. Eg. Delete 1 to _ but filename does not contain the character _. You can test a given filename in rename rules dialog box.
62. Error moving temporary file to fail folder
Temporary file could not be moved to fail folder (eg. because this is an unaccesible network folder).
63. Could not read file
Internal error.
CREO action
80. Could not extract creo code from file
See position for information about extracting.
81. Illegal creo code
Creo code must be a number.
82. Creo page error
The pagenumber (after CREO transformation) is not valid in the file's project.
Split action
100. PDF file is probably corrupt could not open the pdf file
WebFlow could not open PDF file in split action probably because PDF is corrupt. Try opening the PDF file in Acrobat Reader if it cannot open the file or says "reconstructing PDF" the PDF file is definitely corrupt.
101. Could not read number of pages in pdf
See 18. Please send this PDF to WebProof.
102. Only singlepage PDF files are allowed in projects without any pages
Unless you set "Accept multipage pdf in project without pagenumbers" under advanced options in split, multipage PDF is not accepted in projects without pagenumbers (eg. add projects created by Add new WebProof action or XML to WebProof).
103. Could not insert page number
Position error (See position). Eg insert pagenumber at _ but _ is not found in filename
104. PDF file contains i pages and cannot be split to more pages
i is the number of pages in the PDF that should be split. If you have specified more pages than this in the filename (See split) you get this error.
105. Page number is not valid in this project
All the resulting pages must be valid in the project (if it contains pagenumbers). Eg. splitting a 10 page pdf np01_05.pdf (where 5 is the pagenumber) to a project containg pages 1 to 13 is not allowed.
Add new WebProof project
120. Existing project is in other project group than action is trying to set
XML to WebProof action is trying to add a project (or access a project) in a given project group but an existing project with the same projectcode is located in a different project group.
XML to WebProof action
140. Could not open file
Internal Error.
141. Could not load XML
The XML package could not be loaded this is probably because the XML file is not well formed XML. The parsing error is included with this error message.
142. Could not put XML in processor
Error inserting the XML in the XLST transform processor.
143. Could not transform XML with Style Sheet
Error transforming XML.
144. Could not get output from XSL processor
Error transforming XML.
145. Could not load output from XSL processor
The output from the XLST transform processor is not valid XML.
146. There can only be one project group in a xml if option set projectgroup is enabled
There can only be more more than one project group (project_group element) in the XML if the action does not set the project group.
147. Neither projectgroup id nor name attributes found in xml
If the action does not set the projectgroup project_group element must either have id attribute or name attribute. If only one of the attributes is inserted WebFlow inserts the other.
148. Projectgroup does not have valid id or valid name
See error 51. This error occurs if the attributes are not valid
149. webflow_identity_id attribute not found in xml
Each project element in the XML file must have a webflow_identity_id attribute
150. XML 2 WebProof action does not set status, this is only allowed for projects and items allready in WebProof
WebFlow can only add new items to WebProof if a status is set. WebFlow cannot check if an item allready exists in WebProof but it can check if the project exists. This error comes if action does not set status and there are items with projects that do not exist in WebProof.
151. Existing project has different projectgroup than the project with the same projectcode in xml file
If a projectcode in the XML refers to an existing project in WebProof the action must set the same project group as the existing project is in.
Basically this error comes if the project is allready in WebProof in a different projectgroup than the action is trying to set.
152. item_alias attribute not found in xml
Each item element must have an item_alias attribute.
153. XML file could not be validated
WebFlow validates XML files according to schema in projects.xml.
154. No matching existing file
Project setting in action is use existing itemcode, but XML file contained an element with no matching file.
155. Existing items belong to different projects
Project setting in action is use existing itemcode, 2 items in the same project in the XML match existing files in different projects.
Distribute to folder action
160. Could not extract text from filename
If action is set to subfolder and Text this error means that text could not be extracted from the filename. See position for information about extracting.
161. Could not extract text from filename for duplicate
Some duplicate rules needs to extract text from the filename. See position for information about extracting.
Copy/move to WebProof action
180. Timeout
If action is set to wait until another upload with the same projectcode and itemcode has been completed this error occurs when there is timeout.
Convert action
180. Timeout
If action is set to wait until a.
Import action
180. Timeout
If action is set to wait until a.