Platinum Integration process



Example of how WebProof Cloud and WebFlow Server setup looks like with Direct InDesign Correction function. 



STEP 1: Solution specifications

Initial specifications for WebProof Platinum

  1. These specifications can also be adjusted continuously, but it is important to clarify what needs to be ready at startup.
    1. Number of extra (named) users (100 included)
    2. Number of extra Temporary users (Express users) (10 included)
    3. Extra storage (20GB included)
    4. Extra page-flips (1,000,000 included)
    5. WebFlow Modules
    6. WebFlow system required specifications:
    7. Evaluate the customer production volume/type to specify what hardware/software is the best match.

      See info about pricing and modules

      See info about system requirements
  2. Quote is created and sent to customer.

STEP 2: Confirmation

Integration process

  • Quote is confirmed, and initial payment is transferred according to the quote.


STEP 3: Preparation

  • Setup hardware,install Windows Server, and grant remote access to WebProof (by customer).
  • Setup file shares. If InDesign Server is installed, WebFlow needs access to the linked files (by customer).
  • Specification of workflows (WebProof statusflows). It is important to have a clear agreement regarding WebProof statusflow and the integration of statuscode triggers to WebFlow (by customer with online meeting assistance from WebProof).
    Read more about workflow description and download template here.
  • Specificationsfor integration to other systems,e.g., ERP systems, Media Portals, FTP systems (by customer with online meeting assistance from WebProof).
  • Specifications for current file structure and for job file and folder naming. To ensure a smooth production workflow, some features require a structured file and folder naming policy (by customer with online meeting assistance from WebProof).
  • Fonts: If InDesign Server is installed, the WebFlow Server requires all relevant fonts to be installed. The customer will prepare all fonts in a ZIP file for the first installation and place the file on the server. The customer will be trained on how to upload fonts to server (by customer).
  • PDF presets and ICC profiles: If InDesign Server is installed, the relevant presets/profiles need to be installed (customer sends these to WebProof).
  • Pitstop preflight: If Pitstop Server is installed, specifications or relevant settings must be installed before it can conduct a preflight or actions (customer sendswith online meeting assistance from WebProof).

STEP 4: Installation


STEP 5: Test

  1. WebProof tests the setup completely before handing it over to customer (remote by WebProof).
  2. Customer test: A few users are picked to conduct the test. Their user roles are used for the test in addition to other test users, e.g., clients. The customer tests all the scenarios specified in the workflow, includingall the roles, status codes, and notifications. If included, WebFlow drop folders are checked and the designer checks upload via a plug-in (customer tests on-site andremotely communicates with WebProof).
  3. Make adjustments until the test is successful.


STEP 6: Training workshop (on-site with customer and WebProof)

  • Train relevant users,especially the administrator, project manager, and designer.
  • Walkthrough the setup, workflow, administrator support options, WebProof support responsibilities, and online support guides/video guides.
  • Make adjustments until the customer is satisfied.


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